There was a chorus of bird song this morning, beautiful
sunrise and a definite feeling of spring in the air. The birds were very busy
making good use of the buffet at the bird table, enjoying peanuts, Niger seeds,
wild bird seed and toasted bread crumbs from the kitchen.
It was such a lovely morning I decided to go for a walk before starting work.
There is a river not far from my house to where we are blessed with wildlife.
Today I saw a roe deer, there are usually four of them but they are masters of
disguise and not always easy to spot, three swans and a heron. One of the most
exiting things I saw this morning was the abundance of wild garlic that seems
to have appeared from nowhere over night. I cannot wait to pick some, may be in
a weeks time to add to soups, pasta or risotto, delicious! Wild garlic was the
saviour of my immune system during the first Covid lockdown! I live on a farm
and spring is a very important time for the ‘Boys’,(my husband and son). The
farm is all dairy, the cows will in future be referred to as ‘the ladies’.
Spring is a time for preparing the fields to help the grass grow, our most
valuable crop. Unfortunately this preparation involves spreading the slurry
accumulated over the winter, a valuable commodity, especially in the current
world crisis, however not so sweet smelling, sorry!!
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